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Letters to Mila || One

By 8:44:00 PM

My dearest Mila,

From the moment I found out I was pregnant with you, I knew your life would be full of surprises.
We were nearing the end of July 2015 and I could not shake the feeling that I might be pregnant. In fact, I remember shooting a wedding in June and told Memphis's mom, Aubree, "I'm not convinced that I am not pregnant." However, I  kept going through life because I was also 99.9% sure I was NOT pregnant.  There was no way. I was still nursing your brother, Ezra, and he hadn't even had solid foods yet.  I had been feeling nauseous for weeks but justified that I was hungry because your brother was going through a growth spurt. I was ex.haus.ted but I was working at a coffee shop and was getting to work at 4:30 am everyday, so that must've been why I was so tired. I decided on July 21st, that I needed to check to put my mind at ease. I ran into Walmart & quickly scanned the pregnancy test aisle. There was no way I was going to buy the $8 test so I decided I would buy the 86 cent test because I was sure I was going to get a negative so why waste the money? I drove to your MayMay & Opa's house because we had family in from out of town and ran straight to the bathroom. I took the test and you'll never guess what happened next. ;) Two very pink lines appeared faster than I could blink. I was in shock. Pregnant. Very Pregnant. I still wasn't sure so I called your Aunt Hannah and asked her if an 86 cent pregnancy test really worked, she assured me they did and that I was most likely pregnant. I barely remember our conversation due to my state of shock. I think I nervously laughed the whole time (help us out here, Aunt Hanny)

[our announcement picture]

Your Papai was about to meet us at the house after he got off work so I quickly drew up a note that said "Hey Papai, I'm going to be a big brother." I pulled Papai aside and told him Ezra had a note for him. Papai looked me straight in the eyes and said "You're pregnant." He didn't even need to look at the note to know what I was about to tell him. Maybe one day he will share what went through his mind but his eyes told me all I needed to know. He was in disbelief.  Now my sweet Mila, you have to understand that your brother was still a baby. He would soon be 10 months old (making you 17 months apart) and I couldn't imagine having another baby at this point. We told our immediate family that night in a haze of excitement and surprise but I went home and cried. I couldn't believe I was about to do this again. I love pregnancy but the thought of having to share my body again was a little nerve wrecking to me. I selfishly cried for about 10 minutes and then fell fast asleep but still heard your Papai say "Yep, you are suuuuuper pregnant." Please know that you were worth every second of sharing my body with you, I even miss it.

The next day, your Papai insisted I take all 5 pregnancy tests that were delivered through Amazon Prime that afternoon and schedule a blood test with our doctor. Long story short, They all came back positive. Once the blood test was done, we decided we would tell people but We still had no idea how far along I was so we scheduled an ultrasound. I was 8 weeks and 3 days along. How could I have been growing you that long and not know it? I remember eating lunch at Jason's Deli with your friend Aden's mommy and we got to exchange our news that we were BOTH expecting. We were so excited and surprised that we were going to go on this journey together. As I was leaving Jason's Deli your Godmother, Melissa, and Michelle pulled into the parking lot with a very new baby Natalie. It was there in the parking lot that I told them Ezra was going to be a big brother. Since I was still processing this, I decided to go sit with them. That's when I get a phone call from Memphis's mama, Aubree who told me she was in fact pregnant too! We could not have planned this better!

 We decided we'd keep "surprise" the theme of your pregnancy so your Papai and I decided to wait to be surprised by your gender. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. You are the greatest surprise I could've ever asked for. We picked out a boy and a girl name at 16 weeks that started with an "M" and we began affectionately calling you "Baby M".

[16 weeks pregnant]

Love, Mama