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Day 2: Journey to the Manger

By 4:00:00 AM


Once again, I am so excited to have you! Never hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

Today's Advent verse comes from Isaiah 7:14

"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."

Immanuel. God with us. The prophetic words coming from Isaiah are bringing HOPE. Hope to a people who only know what it is like to be "good" under law. Hope in the promises found in the One who never lets us down. Freedom is coming. Isaiah is bridging the gap between Old and New Testament.

One of my favorite ways view my Bible is to look at the "big picture". From Genesis to Revelations it becomes clear that it was ALWAYS Jesus. Jesus was always the plan to bring a fallen world back to its Creator. These words spoken by Isaiah begin to reveal God's plan of redemption. I already know how the story ends, yet I'm so captivated by theses scriptures. Bible scholars believe that Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies written in the Old Testament!

Before you finish your movement today, I want you to take a few minutes and position yourself in a posture of worship. Sit in the prescence of the One who made you. YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made. He's with you. Immanuel. God with us.
These workouts are just ideas and inspiration for you. Move how you feel led and you can always move longer than 15 minutes.

Here's some beautiful Christmas music to listen to as you move today:

15 Minute 5-4-3-2-1 Workout
5 Minutes of cardio (walk, run, jog, bike, dance!, etc.) OR
1 min high knees, 1 min jumping jack (modification: tap outs), 1 min run in place
1 min kicks, 1 min mountain climbers
4- 1 minute wall sit, 1 min right leg lunge (repeat with left leg lunge)
3- 10 pushups, 15 tricep dips/rest (repeat until 3 minutes is up)
2- 30 seconds Regular Squats, 30 second Burpee (repeat) 
Burpee modificaiton: walk each leg out and back in, stand straight up (no jump)
1- 1 minute plank

repeat circuit 2-3x (IF you want to)

Remember: 15 minutes of intentional movement (i.e. walking, running, strength training, dancing, stretching, etc.) counts as 1 mile. If you participate in an hour workout, you would mark off 4 miles. 15 minutes of spending time in the Word (reading, mediating, worshiping) counts as 1 mile. You would need to average about 3.75 "miles" a day to reach 90 by Christmas SO I'm going to add a little something extra... If you complete an act of service or donate to a charity during the Christmas season, you can mark of 2 miles. My hope is that this is not overwhelming to you and that you have fun. There's GRACE my friends, there is grace...enough to go around. If you miss a day and get behind, just keep going. The goal is to worship through this season, not complete a chart.

Contact:  bekindfitness@yahoo.com

For HIS Glory,
Breanne Johnson
Be Kind Fitness