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Journey to the Manger - Day 1 - Be Kind Fitness

By 10:47:00 AM


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I'm so glad to have you on this "90 mile" Journey to the Manger! I hope these coming days fill you with great joy and anticipation as we celebrate Christ's birth in a tangible way! I'm so excited to have you on my first "challenge" of my Be Kind Fitness Journey too so extend grace to me as I know mistakes & confusion are bound to happen. You are the grassroots, my guinea pigs, my pioneers of Be Kind Fitness! Thank you for being here!

I've attached a visual printable for you so that you can fill in your "mileage" as you complete it.
You can find it here:
Journey to the Manger Printable
Remember: 15 minutes of intentional movement (i.e. walking, running, strength training, dancing, stretching, etc.) counts as 1 mile. If you participate in an hour workout, you would mark off 4 miles. 15 minutes of spending time in the Word (reading, mediating, worshiping) counts as 1 mile. You would need to average about 3.75 "miles" a day to reach 90 by Christmas SO I'm going to add a little something extra... If you complete an act of service or donate to a charity during the Christmas season, you can mark of 2 miles. My hope is that this is not overwhelming to you and that you have fun. There's GRACE my friends, there is grace...enough to go around. If you miss a day and get behind, just keep going. The goal is to worship through this season, not complete a chart.

Today's Advent verse comes from Isaiah 9:6

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

Every time I read this verse it leaves me more in awe. To think, these words were said of Jesus YEARS before He was ever born. I imagine it being the longest. pregnancy. ever. If you have ever been pregnant or have known someone close to you that is pregnant there is SO much anticipation surrounding the arrival of a child but imagine waiting for a Prince that is supposed to come save you. An omnipotent God became weak in the form of a newborn child and the Creator of the Universe became one of us! He became like us so He could die for us, to free us, to guide us. What a demonstration of infinite love and incredible humility! At Jesus's birth we see the beginning of the work of redemption. 
As you move today, I want you to mediate on this verse and the anticipation that is building up to Christ's birth. 

15 Minute Workout:
3 Rounds
-15 push ups (modification: knees or use a wall)
- 20 revererse crunches (lie on back with legs up straight. lift heels to sky and lower. questions? just ask)
-25 Squats
-20 alternation lunges (10 ea side)
- 80 Jumping Jacks (modification )
- 60 sec wall sit

You can always add a walk/jog before or after. I know I will!

If you enjoyed today, would you please share Journey to the Manger with a friend?

PS I found this beautiful Advent printable that I will be hanging up in my house tomorrow and wanted to share! Advent Calendar

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