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Day 3: Journey To The Manger- Be Kind Fitness

By 7:09:00 AM

Photo from Riant Photography


Today's Advent verse comes from John 3:16:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

I think this verse was one of the first verses I ever memorized as did most of the kids in my Sunday School class. Today, I really had to sit and meditate on this verse as it has lost its power to me (totally a flesh thing, the Word never loses its power!). That's why I want you to go back and read this entire passage in its context today. Let's go and read the Gospel invitation that was spoken by Jesus Himself. Do we believe that Jesus is the Son of God who has come to give us eternal life and make every single thing new? May we seek Him during this season whole heartedly so that Jesus becomes MORE and we become LESS. Let's be women of the Word who chase after our Savior daily, hourly and even by the minute. God gave us His Son to Die for us. That's how much He loves us. 

Your movement inspiration for today is to spend time & move with people you love. Find a friend or family member and get moving with them.  Go out on a walk, a hike, move around outside, and remember that God sent His Son for you because He loves you, because He Loves you, because He loves you. Talk about it with them and let time be spent in conversation about our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Remember: 15 minutes of intentional movement (i.e. walking, running, strength training, dancing, stretching, etc.) counts as 1 mile. If you participate in an hour workout, you would mark off 4 miles. 15 minutes of spending time in the Word (reading, mediating, worshiping) counts as 1 mile. You would need to average about 3.75 "miles" a day to reach 90 by Christmas SO I'm going to add a little something extra... If you complete an act of service or donate to a charity during the Christmas season, you can mark of 2 miles. My hope is that this is not overwhelming to you and that you have fun. There's GRACE my friends, there is grace...enough to go around. If you miss a day and get behind, just keep going. The goal is to worship through this season, not complete a chart.