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Day 6: Journey to the Manger

By 6:18:00 AM


Today's Advent verse comes from Luke 2:10:

"Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people." 

Nothing says "all people" like a group of Angels proclaiming the Good News to poor, humble, hard working shepherds. To think God could've sent them anywhere but He sent them to the lowliest. Other works of God were for His glory but THIS moment, the moment of redemption to the world is for His Glory in the highest. It is no surprised that the shepherds hastily made their way to Jesus to worship their newborn King. 

15 minute arm burn.
*need weights if you have them, if not, find any weighted item in your house. I have been known to use our bottle of laundry detergent. ;)
Complete this circuit 3x:
15 pushups
20 tricep dips
20 plank rows (10 ex side)
30 bicep curls (15 each side)
30 Overhead Press 

As always, feel free to do cardio before or after. :)

Remember: 15 minutes of intentional movement (i.e. walking, running, strength training, dancing, stretching, etc.) counts as 1 mile. If you participate in an hour workout, you would mark off 4 miles. 15 minutes of spending time in the Word (reading, mediating, worshiping) counts as 1 mile. You would need to average about 3.75 "miles" a day to reach 90 by Christmas SO I'm going to add a little something extra... If you complete an act of service or donate to a charity during the Christmas season, you can mark of 2 miles. My hope is that this is not overwhelming to you and that you have fun. There's GRACE my friends, there is grace...enough to go around. If you miss a day and get behind, just keep going. The goal is to worship through this season, not complete a chart. 

Contact:  bekindfitness@yahoo.com

For HIS Glory,
Breanne Johnson
Be Kind Fitness